Kochi: It is found out that viagra can also be used as a medicine to treat newborns with high blood pressure. Viagra is used uptil now
as a medicine to treat sexual impotency in humans.

Babies suffering from pneumonia, which lead to the shrinking of blood vessels from heart to lungs, a serious condition, is treated with
viagra says the neonatology department head of Amrutha institute of medical sciences, Dr. P.K.Rajiv.

A baby, born 18 hours old and another 2 kids were treated with Viagra within the last one and a half months. If the condition become
serious only possible way is to increase the oxygen level of the blood. Viagra was used in a situation where the baby's life was at risk.
Another baby contracted with diaphragmatic hernia, suffering from high blood pressure was also treated using viagra, the doctor says.

Nitric oxide, which is available in very few hospitals is very costly, but experiments have shown viagra can be used using the ventilator
alone. This was experimented in adults in university of Alberta, Canada but this is the first time this procedure is used in
newborns says Dr. Rajiv.